木曜日, 7月 25, 2013

I went to Japanese restaurant in Minnesota July 23th. The restaurant name is BENIHANA. The restaurant is so a famous chain store in America. Many American people know the restaurant and they love it.
 The restaurant looked like the Japanese and Chinese architectural style. The roof has many tiles and just one story. When I entered there, I met Japanese and Chinese and Spanish and so on. Especially, Japanese woman was so funny. So she sang birthday stong of Japanese for birthday person. The voice was so great. She came to Minnesota 20 years ago, and I talked with her about Japan and Minnesota a few minute. It was great time!
Additionally, I met a couple. The woman of the couple was birthday and she is piano player and the man play bass guitar and piano. He is musician. Moreover, her father designed the bass of my favorite bass player (my favorite bass player is Anthony Jackson)
. That is AMAZING!! I intend to go to Jazz club with them next holiday. I’m happy to meet them.

See you tomorrow!!

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