木曜日, 3月 14, 2013

My favorite movie is "Love Actually".

  This movie is so wonderful and splendid and epic. I remember about all scenes and I often think I want to watch again. Why is this wonderful? Of course, this story is kind of love story but not just love story. This movie gives us much hope and courage. When I watched this movie first, I remember I have cried during last scene. So that is climax. I impressed. I want to talk about " Love Actually" from now.

  Love has various forms. That is like water. Water is able to change solid or mist and so on. Love is same, too. How to love is different from individual to individual, you know. Everyone knows about this and we are fighting. That is like war for looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Love has many forms and comes in a variety of types. For example, that is love’ family or a girlfriend. Of course, that is without sex. If you watch this movie, you can learn many love forms.

  The chief character was nothing in this movie. In the words, the chief character was all character. All couple was main theme and one story. This movie was “Ensemble Cast”. If you know this words, please chick Wikipedia. You can get details.

  I cannot choose a couple stories for talking about this movie. Because all stories was wonderful. But I have to choose. Well… two people worked in Cabinet Office. One man is David who is a prime minister in England and one woman is Natalie who is an administrative secretary of David. They loved each other but they cannot say, “ I love you” because they bigotry and shy dullness. I was fret by their action when I watched some scenes. They could carry one’s thought to the other side. However, the circumstance became gradually. If you want to know, please watch. I cannot tell this continues.

  Finally, I got courage thanks to watching this movie. I was happy. This movie is in library so you can watch. This is recommendation!! 


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